
Membership Advantages

  • To promote co-operation, among persons, companies, manufacturing units, associations and Federations connected with rope and twine manufacturing, trade and industry in India with a view to adopt a common policy and collectively taking such steps as may be necessary or expedient to further and safeguard the interests of the trade and industries.
  • To strive for rendering best standard, highest quality and ethical business values to the satisfaction of trade and industry.
  • To promote and safeguard the interests of Indian rope and twine manufacturing, trade and industry in all its segments and by all possible means and in particular by (1) providing a meeting place with facilities for the exchange of views of members and others interested in the trade and industry,
    (2) providing facilities for communication, co-ordination of interests or co-operation with similar or allied associations or societies in India and other countries,
    (3) arranging and providing facilities for conferences, exhibitions, demonstrations, lectures, delegations and other functions relating to the plastic and allied trades and industries,
    (4) establishing, equipping and maintaining a suitable laboratory and library for the benefit of the members and general public,
    (5) collecting, analysing and circulating information and statistics relating to the trade and industry,
    (6) educating and creating awareness amongst the general public by all suitable means for the benefits and utility of rope and twine from the industries and consumers point of view.
  • To promote and to protect the interests of the rope and twine manufacturing and trade and industry in every segments.
  • To enter into any arrangements with the Central and/or State Governments or any foreign or Local Government, Indian States' Chambers of Commerce, Municipalities, Local Boards, National and International Institutions, Industrial Bodies (local & Foreign), Autonomous/Semi Autonomous body or any other public or private authorities, national and international educational institutions that may seem conducive to all or any of the objects of association.
  • To represent officially the views of members on any matters affecting or likely to affect the rope and twine manufacturing and trade and industry to the Government of India, Local Governments, Foreign Governments, Chambers of Commerce, National and International Institutions, Industry bodies (local & foreign), Autonomous/Semi Autonomous bodies and any other public or private authorities.

However, the Company shall apply its profits, if any or other income, in promoting its objects, and to prohibit the payment of any dividend to its members.

No objects of the company shall be carried out without the permission of the competent authorities whomsoever and no objects of the company shall be carried out on commercial basis.